Nokia 888 has the ability to recognize sounds and words, so that we can write SMS without having to type it. In addition, the entire surface on one side is a very sensitive touch screen that is easy to use.
Nokia Communicator 888 will make a breakthrough. This phone uses liquid battery, speech recognition, flexible touch screen and protective sensitif to touch.
2. nokia aeon

The concept of Aeon as it combines two touch panels that are incorporated in full-cell power pack. Electronic connectivity between the handset and created a built-in into the panel to be used separately. When combined, a single panel can be used to display and the other as the keypad. Because the buttons are virtual, Aeon can play them instantly between a numeric pad for dialing the phone number, the base text for messaging, or even media player controls.
There's hope for cool ideas from Nokia will be the concept of this product, namely that the phone is a product of "wearable" - if the user can separate one from the display panel Aeon - and set it up like a watch or worn like a badge.
More than just a phone, Aeon might be a local wireless network to transmit data obtained from sensors such as monitoring equipment to show signs of health of the wearer's mobile phone. Wuihh, day gini with existing technology in one tool can do whatever dikonvergensikan for all needs.
3.Sky "Sleak & Slim"
mobile phone which is produced by SKY have a glowing touchpad and "hidden-key"

Amazing, beautiful, sleek, slim - the words that can be used to describe this phone, the concept of mirror-finish shine. But then so do the words such as impossible, never, keep dreaming (okay, that last is not really a word). What we will not do to this glossy fashion phone with a minimalist black-oh-so-desirable sliding touchpad. SKY is such a high school cheerleader we all have a crush on - that's all we want, but unfortunately, never have.
4.Benq-Siemens "Snaked"
model "Reptile" which are specifically designed for women who exercise hobby with technology that is easy to follow manusia.namun body shape is almost the same as above

Die ontwerpers van selfone van BenQ-Siemens is ook te dink oor vroue. Bewys met die bekendstelling van 'n konsep wat deur geïnspireerde telefoon lyk en die naam van snaked Reptiele. Met die telefoon liggaam is buigsaam en kan dus toegedraai word rondom die pols. Lyk 'n bietjie scary, maar ook cool. Die telefoon is geskep vir die vrou wat sportaktiwiteite lief, want die selfoon is toegerus met sensors Monitoring Body kenmerke wat kan help om hulle hou in die vorm.
Die idee van Revol is te beskryf as 'n aantreklike klok. So, die konvensionele uur en minuut hande vervang met draai skyf. Klok gebeeldhouwde in die vorm van cone bietjie meer dimensie te gee. Die hoof raam is omhul in polikarbonaat met 'n blink, terwyl die tou is matt silikoon' n mooi kontras te gee. Numeriese teken uitgereik sy eenvoudige styl te versterk.

Darklabel | Retroxis - So ver as selfone betref, is daar sekere onvermydelike begeertes soos dimensies, gewig en styl. Retroxis weerspieël retro benadering tot ontwerp met skoon estetika, optimum beheer en funksies. Dit is omhul in 'n hoë gepoleerde polikarbonaat bekend vir lightweght en taaiheid en die onsigbare OLED mekaar in stilte skuil weg wanneer geaktiveer maak jou selfoon kyk skoon en stylvol.
6.Benq-Siemens "The Black Box"

Interessante konsep selfoon uit BenQ Siemens. Soortgelyk aan die konsep van 'n telefoon oproep BenQ Siemens Ruby, die Black Box gebruik van 'n touch screen as sy klavier. Afhangende van die funksie wat u gebruik, die touch screen verander die beheer uitleg.
7. nec tags
het 'n konsep soortgelyk aan "die snaked"

8.triple watch

9.Asus Aura